Gainesville Speeding Accident Lawyer

It seems like everyone is in a rush these days and not enough people exercise caution when driving.

In 2018, the most recent year for which data is available, Florida traffic crash statistics show that nearly 40,000 collisions involved speeding or aggressive driving. Speeding and reckless driving were involved in hundreds of fatalities and thousands of injuries in 2018. 

If you have been injured in a car accident that involved a speeding driver in Gainesville, Florida, contact Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, for your free initial case consultation today. Collectively, our Gainesville speeding accident attorneys have hundreds of years of experience handling car accident cases.

Our personal injury attorneys have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients through settlements and trial verdicts. We often recover policy limits for our injured clients.

At Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, our car accident lawyers in Gainesville, FL are available 24/7/365 to consult with you about your case. You can call our office, email us, or head to our website to chat with a live, real person about your case. 

Why Should I Hire a Gainesville Personal Injury Lawyer After a Speeding Accident? 

Why Should I Hire a Gainesville Personal Injury Lawyer After a Speeding Accident?

You were in a car crash with a driver who was speeding. Now, your injuries cause you pain each day. Maybe you are unable to work or maybe you are still working, but you have to take leave for medical treatment or physical therapy. 

When you suffer financial losses, like medical bills or lost wages as a result of injuries caused by someone who was speeding, you may be able to get compensation. You can file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. If others were partially responsible for the crash, you may be able to file a claim with their insurance company, too. But it’s not always that easy.

The at-fault driver might deny that they were speeding. If no citation was written, their insurance company may attempt to deny the claim or offer a settlement that fails to cover what you’ve already lost. You need the experienced personal injury attorneys at Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, to help you. 
How will Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, make sure you get what you’re owed? We will:

  • Work with respected experts, like accident reconstructionists, civil engineers, and former law enforcement officers to evaluate the full scope of your traffic accident;
  • Collect evidence that speed was truly a causal factor in your crash;
  • Mitigate any alleged responsibility on your part for the accident or injury; 
  • Communicate with insurance parties and other stakeholders on your behalf.

We can help put together and present the best case for you. We have the experience as former claims managers, insurance adjusters, and insurance defense attorneys in our office. We will put that experience to work for you. 

Causes of Speeding Accidents in Gainesville

Speeding accidents often involve other causative factors. Contributing factors in collisions involving speeding can also include:

Many different parties can be partially at fault for accidents even if the first harmful action was a speeding driver. Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, are familiar with the factors affecting accident liability. Any person, agency, entity, or business that contributed to the crash can be liable for your injuries. 

Common Speeding Accident Injuries in Florida

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles categorizes injuries as either (1) incapacitating or (2) non-incapacitating for statistical purposes. Injuries in either category can be compensable through the at-fault party’s insurance. 

Incapacitating injuries include disabling injuries such as broken bones or severed limbs. They usually require an auto accident victim to be transported to a medical facility and often require hospitalization. 

Non-incapacitating injuries include all visible injuries like bruises, scratches, and burns

Statute of Limitations for Filing a Speeding Accident Claim in Gainesville

When you are involved in an accident that’s covered by an insurance policy, it is common to file a claim with the insurance company. We can help you throughout the claims process. If a settlement is in your best interest, once the settlement is finalized, we will get to work resolving any outstanding medical bills or liens. 

Most cases settle before trial. However, Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers is prepared to file suit before the statute of limitations expires on your case. Due to a recent change in Florida law, you’ll have either four years to file a claim if your accident happened before 2023 or two years if it occurred after that date. However, there are exceptions, so confirming the deadline for your case with a lawyer is recommended.

Damages Available After Speeding Accidents

Damages are the losses a person suffers because of an accident. At Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we can help you identify and evaluate each of the seven kinds of damages recognized in Florida:

Our car accident attorneys in Gainesville will do our best to recover for you any losses that you suffered as a result of the speeding accident. 

Contact Our Car Crash Lawyers in Gainesville Today

First, you should avoid these common mistakes in choosing an accident attorney. Then, you should consider whether you can be confident in the attorney you choose to represent you in your speeding accident case. 

At Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, our Gainesville speeding accident lawyers know that insurance companies sometimes deny personal injury claims even when the insurance company owes compensation. We can help you from your first consultation all the way through settlement or trial, if necessary. Contact our law offices today for legal advice and a free case review. 

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