Can I Sue Petting Zoo Ocala If My Kid Got Hurt While Visiting?

Petting zoos offer hours of entertainment and a great way to get up close and personal with animals you don’t always have a chance to interact with. One local destination for people interested in this activity is Petting Zoo Ocala, which lets patrons pet various… read more

What Can I Do If I Was Injured At The Florida Museum Of Natural History-Exhibits? 

The Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville is a premier attraction for locals and tourists alike. The museum’s many unique exhibits featuring Florida’s rich wildlife habitats make it a fascinating place for thousands to visit each year. However, accidents and injuries will happen, just… read more

Who Pays After an Injury on a College Campus?

Who pays after an injury on a college campus? That depends largely on the facts of your case. Typically, the at-fault party or their insurance company will pay, although this is not always the case.  It’s not the case, for example, when the at-fault party… read more

When Can You Sue a College or University for Injuries?

In principle, it is certainly possible to sue a college or university for injuries that occur on campus. Private schools are generally subject to the same rules on liability that anyone else is, with minor deviations.  You need to be particularly careful, however, when you… read more

Premises Liability Issues on a College Campus

A premises liability claim is a type of personal injury claim. For example, you might assert a premises liability claim if you suffered a slip and fall injury due to a dangerous condition on someone’s property. Owners and occupiers of real property have a legal… read more

What Should I Do If My Child Was Injured at Jervey Gantt Park in Ocala, FL?

Jervey Gantt Park is a beloved community park. From the playgrounds to an aquatic center, children love visiting the park. But if your child suffers an injury, it is important to know the steps to take to protect their well-being and legal rights. Our Ocala… read more

Most Common Types of Accidents That Occur on College Campuses

College is a time to learn, mature, and have fun. College students assume they will be safe attending school and living on campus. Unfortunately, dangers on college campuses can result in severe injuries for college students.  There are a number of colleges and universities in… read more

5 Leading Causes of House Fires in Gainesville

In the U.S., house fires kill approximately 2,800 people each year, in addition to causing over 11,000 non-fatal injuries. In total, about ten people die from house fires for every 1,000,000 U.S. residents. Ten is a number that might not seem like many, but the… read more

What Is the Difference Between Premises Liability and Slip and Fall?

Slip and fall and premises liability are two interrelated types of personal injury claims. In fact, slip and fall claims are one kind of premises liability claim since it is possible to have a premises liability claim that is not a slip and fall claim…. read more

What Is Premises Liability?

A person who owns or controls real estate (land, buildings, and fixtures) owes a duty of care to people who are legally present on their property. If you suffer an injury on their property due to a dangerous condition, you might qualify for personal injury… read more

Are You Liable if Someone Gets Hurt While Working on Your Property in Ocala, Florida?

Many homeowners assume that workers’ compensation covers injuries if a worker gets hurt while working on their property. While it might be true that the injured worker could be entitled to workers’ comp benefits, it is also a possibility that the homeowner is liable for… read more