What To Do After A Boating Accident

Florida is the busiest state in the nation when it comes to recreational boating, registered watercraft, and boating accidents. Due to the high increase of watercraft during the summer months, you and your loved ones should always be prepared in the event that you are… read more

Boating Accidents in Gainesville: Part Two

Now that you’re aware what constitutes a boating accident as well as the common contributing factors to those accidents, there are other things that are important to remember: Should I File a Report? A report is normally filed when one or more of the following… read more

Boating Accidents in Gainesville: Part One

Any type of accident can be potentially frightening and almost always confusing. Many people are familiar with the procedures after a car accident, but what happens after a boating accident? Similar to auto accidents, boating collisions have the same potential for injury, and thus, resulting… read more