Spinal Cord Injuries Due to Medical Errors

While falls, car wrecks, and sports injuries cause the majority of the nation’s approximately 17,730 new cases of spinal cord injuries each year, the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC) reports that approximately 4.3 percent of all spinal cord injuries are due to medical… read more

Demand Letter Response Time in Florida

Insurance companies pay most personal injury settlements. An auto insurer might pay a car accident settlement, for example, while a homeowner’s insurance company might pay out on a dog bite claim.  Nevertheless, you will probably need to negotiate for weeks or months to reach an… read more

Why You Need a Lawyer for a Campus Sexual Assault Case

Disclaimer: Our law firm does not handle sexual assault cases. This article is for informational purposes only. The article’s information does not constitute formal legal advice or create an attorney/client relationship. Experiencing a sexual assault on campus is an incredibly traumatic event. As well as… read more

Can I Get a Concussion Without Hitting My Head?

The WHO estimates that concussions occur each year at a rate of roughly 600 per 100,000. While many people get concussions as a result of hitting their heads in a sports-related injury, the causes for this mild form of traumatic brain injury are vast. While… read more

What Should I Do With My Settlement Money?

If you’re asking yourself, “I won a settlement–now what?” please keep in mind that you’re not the first person to wonder what to do with settlement money. It’s important to start planning in advance, however. If you don’t, your money could be gone in the… read more

The Top 4 Most Common Injuries on College Campuses in Gainesville, FL

College is a wonderful time in a person’s life, full of growth and fun. However, dangers are always present on college campuses, and injuries from these accidents can be significant. For students on college campuses in Gainesville, Florida, here is what you should know.  Gainesville… read more

What Is the Difference Between Loss of Income and Loss of Earning Potential?

“Loss of income” and “loss of earning potential” are two components of damages in a personal injury claim. If you have suffered an injury, you might qualify for one of them, both of them, or neither of them.   It is easy to confuse loss of… read more

What Happens if You Don’t Accept a Settlement Offer From the Insurance Company? 

After sustaining injuries in an accident, the compensation you receive from the insurance company is often necessary to stay afloat. It can help you with your medical bills, property damage, and out-of-pocket expenses. Unfortunately, some settlement offers are not sufficient to meet your needs.  If… read more

How To Proceed With a Lawsuit in Florida

Florida can, unfortunately, become the backdrop for accidents. Injuries caused by another’s negligence cannot be ignored, whether it involves a car crash or slip and fall. Fortunately, personal injury victims can initiate legal proceedings against at-fault parties to recover compensation for their accident-related losses. Steps… read more

Symptoms of a Broken Tailbone

Almost everyone has fallen on their tailbone at one point or another. If it has happened to you, you know that hitting your tailbone on the ground can be painful, and that pain and discomfort can sometimes persist for hours or days after the fall…. read more

How Long After a Deposition Will I Get a Settlement in Florida?

A deposition cannot take place until after you file a personal injury lawsuit. However, just because you file a lawsuit doesn’t necessarily mean that your case will go to trial. Many personal injury victims file lawsuits for the sole purpose of gaining access to the… read more

Can I Collect Injury Compensation Beyond Insurance Policy Limits in Florida?

Florida is a no-fault state for car insurance. Drivers are required to carry $10,000 in PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage. If you are involved in a car accident, you file a claim with your PIP insurance company regardless of who caused the crash. However, PIP… read more