Accident Checklist For Your Glove Compartment

Be prepared:  Keep this checklist in your glove compartment along with an instant camera if you do not have a smartphone.

Immediately after the accident:

  • Your immediate safety needs attention.  If there is potential for risk to you, please stay in your car.
  • Move to a safe location if your vehicle is creating a safety hazard or obstructing traffic.
  • Never leave the scene of an accident.

Once it is SAFE to do so: 

  •  Assess the well-being of others.  If there are injuries, call 911 to get help to the scene.
  • Once the authorities arrive, follow any instructions that the law enforcement gives you.
  • Many people call their insurance company, especially if their coverage offers emergency towing arrangements.
  • Note the name of the tow company, and the place where your vehicle is being towed.
  • Be courteous and polite, but do not admit fault.
  • Provide your name and insurance information to the police.
  • Document the names and contact information for any witnesses to the accident.

At the scene:

  • With a smartphone or camera, photograph the following:
  • License plates of involved vehicles.
  • Damaged areas of your vehicle, other vehicles or property.
  • Objects at the scene such as skid marks, position in lane, street signs or other landmarks to identify the accident location.
  • Anything that might have been a factor in the accident, such as obscured traffic signs, etc.

Make note of the following, that may be asked for later:

  • Time, date and location.
  • Weather, visibility and traffic conditions.
  • Description of the accident.
  • Description of any injuries and damage.
  • Details of police or emergency responder involvement.
  • Adjuster’s name/phone/claim numbers.

Keep receipts for anything related to this accident! Then, please call us 24/7 at Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, a Personal Injury firm with offices located in Gainesville or Ocala, Florida.  We have a team that includes staff that was previously licensed adjusters.

Contact Our Car Accident Law Firm in North Central Florida

If you need legal assistance, contact the Gainesville car accident lawyers at Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers at your nearest location to schedule a free consultation today.
We have two convenient locations in North Central Florida:

Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers – Gainesville office
2550 SW 76th St #150
Gainesville, FL 32608
(877) 255-3652

Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers – Ocala Office
112 S Pine Ave
Ocala, FL 34471
(352) 351-3258