Gainesville Property Damage Lawyer

Florida residents are no stranger to the threat of property damage. Unfortunately, sometimes the insurance company refuses to pay what’s fair. An experienced Gainesville property damage lawyer at Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers can help you recover the compensation you deserve to cover your losses.

We offer a free consultation to every potential client. If you’ve recently suffered property damage, don’t hesitate to schedule a free case review with a lawyer who can help today. Give us a call at (877) 255-3652 now.

How Can a Gainesville Personal Injury Lawyer Help With My Property Damage Claim?

How Can a Gainesville Personal Injury Lawyer Help With My Property Damage Claim?

Florida is one of the hardest-hit states when it comes to natural disasters. In recent years, extreme hurricanes have cost billions of dollars worth of damage in the sunshine state. And that doesn’t even account for the ordinary, everyday things that can go wrong to damage your property.

Most Floridians are diligent about maintaining their property insurance policies. You pay your premiums each month and expect the insurance company to be there when things go wrong. However, you might quickly learn that getting fair compensation isn’t so easy as filing an insurance claim.

You might have to fight to recover enough compensation to reasonably cover your losses. An experienced Gainesville personal injury attorney can help. When you choose Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers to represent your interests, you’ll have a lawyer who will:

  • Thoroughly investigate to determine how much it will cost to reasonably repair your property
  • Identify all sources of insurance compensation
  • If necessary, investigate and work with experts to identify what caused your property damage
  • Ensure that all insurance and legal paperwork is complete, accurate, and timely
  • Stand up for your rights when the insurance company tries to manipulate you into accepting less than you deserve

It can be hard to understand the terms of even the most basic insurance contract. If you don’t have much legal experience, it’s easy to feel like the insurance company is trying to take advantage. But you aren’t alone. An experienced lawyer can help maximize the value of your insurance claim so that you can get back on your feet again.

At Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, our experienced attorneys don’t back down from insurance companies when they try to delay or deny your claim. We know every trick that they’ll try to use to get you to accept a lowball settlement.

Interested in learning more? Just call our law offices today. We’ll sit down, review the facts, and work out a strategy designed around your individual circumstances. Remember, your consultation is always free, so there’s no risk in seeing how we can help.

We Handle All Types of Property Damage Claims in Gainesville

Property damage happens every day. The causes can be as varied as the damage itself. We can help if you’ve experienced property damage because of:

You’re entitled to coverage up to your policy limits when you experience a loss. We know that it can be frustrating to deal with the insurance company when they’re trying to pay less than you deserve. Our experienced property damage attorneys in Gainesville are here to help you understand your rights. 

If you have questions about the process or problems you’ve encountered already, just call our law firm to schedule a free consultation.

Unique Aspects of Flood Damage Claims 

Most homeowner’s insurance policies in Florida don’t cover property damage caused by flooding. Your homeowner’s insurance policy might provide coverage if your damage was caused by something like a leaking pipe. But it’s highly unlikely that your policy will provide any coverage for flooding caused by a hurricane or other natural disaster.

Because of this, national programs offer additional flood insurance that you can purchase to protect your property. In fact, your mortgage lender might even require you to purchase flood insurance before you can purchase a home. 

Nationally-backed flood insurance can be purchased by:

  • Homeowners
  • Renters
  • Business owners
  • Real estate investors

Flood insurance will cover both damage to the structure and the loss of the building’s contents. Unfortunately, while flood insurance claims are common in Florida, they are rarely simple. In most cases, multiple insurance policies are involved. Insurance companies are notorious for trying to pin the blame on someone else.

If you sustained property damage because of water, it’s important to get help quickly. We can help you determine the source of the flooding and identify all available insurance coverage. Just give us a call today to set up your free consultation. 

What Types of Personal Property Are Covered By Insurance in Florida?

You can purchase insurance to protect against the risk of damage to nearly any type of property. For example, you may have insurance coverage to compensate for damage to your:

Both renter’s insurance and homeowner’s insurance provide compensation if your home or belongings are damaged.

Many Florida residents purchase additional flood or wind insurance to provide additional protection if damage is caused by a storm.

Homeowner’s insurance policies are often extremely complex. Some exclude damage to certain types of property. For example, your policy might specifically exclude damage to structures like fences or sheds. Our lawyers can help you navigate the terms of these complex policies so that you can get everything you deserve.

Florida No-Fault Insurance Law

Florida no-fault insurance covers property damage sustained in car accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, and other types of motor vehicle accidents. Every driver is required to carry insurance. Unfortunately, the claims process isn’t always simple. Our attorneys can help you through the process. Just call our offices for help today. 

When Can I File a Claim Based on Property Damage in Florida?

The Florida statute of limitations limits the amount of time you have to take action if you’ve suffered property damage. The law gives you five years to file a lawsuit based on a breach of a property insurance contract.

Of course, the insurance company will also likely put a limit on the amount of time you have to file an insurance claim. As a general rule, if your property was damaged, it’s a good idea to begin the insurance process as quickly as possible.

Florida Insurance Companies Have Specific Obligations When You File a Claim

Insurance companies are known for making the claims process difficult. Sometimes complexities are unavoidable. In other cases, the insurance adjuster might be breaking the law.

Insurance companies are highly regulated under Florida law. Some of an insurance company’s legal duties include:

  • Properly investigating insurance claims that are filed properly
  • Accurately representing the terms of the insurance policy
  • Communicating about the claim’s investigation within 30 days of receiving the documentation of the loss
  • Investigating in good faith to determine whether the loss is covered by the policy
  • Providing a reasonable explanation when a claim is denied or the payout is less than requested
  • Notifying the policyholder if any additional information is needed to process a claim
  • Explaining the reason for additional information requests
  • Paying undisputed amounts within 90 days of the property damage insurance claim

Insurance companies do sometimes have legitimate reasons for denying a claim. However, if the insurance company acts in bad faith, you could be entitled to compensation. That compensation could also include additional damage to your property caused by the delay.

If you’re having trouble with a property damage claim, it never hurts to get legal advice from an experienced property damage attorney. All you have to do is call to start the legal process today.

What Should I Do to Protect Myself Before the Damage Happens?

Most people don’t anticipate a specific event that will cause property damage. The State of Florida is unique because we have fair warning when a hurricane is on the way–so most residents have some idea of what they can do to protect themselves. 

We all know to stock up on water and supplies–but you can also take steps to protect yourself in the event that your property is damaged. You can:

  • Take photos and videos of the inside and outside of your home
  • Make a list of any valuable property and take photos
  • Remember to update your inventory list whenever you make a large purchase
  • Write down a description of your property

You can take these steps at any time–not just when a storm is approaching. Having concrete documentation of your belongings can make the insurance process much simpler if filing a claim becomes necessary.

Call an Experienced Gainesville Property Damage Lawyer Today

Property damage claims have the potential to be complex. You don’t have to navigate the legal system alone. Call an experienced Gainesville property damage lawyer at Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers to get the help you deserve today.

With over 20 years of legal experience, we know what it takes to get your claim settled fairly and effectively.

Our personal injury law firm in Gainesville, FL also provides: