Ashley Ranslow

Training and Legal Assistant Supervisor

Ashley is a University of Florida graduate from the class of  2011. In her role at the firm she serves our clients as a  paralegal who guides them through the  process of handling their claims and receiving treatment for any injuries. Prior to joining our team she  had  several  years of experience in the insurance industry and now uses her experience with liability claims to pursue the best possible results for our clients. Ashely finds joy in building relationships with clients and helping them recover every step of the way.

While Ashley’s extensive professional experience lays the groundwork for her in providing care for our clients, her personal life also shapes her professional approach, too. Ashley is a passionate wife and mother, who loves keeping active with her family, whether it be camping in the Appalachian Mountains or horseback riding here in Gainesville. Ashley’s professional strengths combined with her personal attributes allow her to provide outstanding support to our clients and to the Allen Law Accident & Injury Lawyers team.

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